There are thousands of different businesses operating in the Central Highlands area. Those that relocate due to growth, multi-site expansion or change in circumstances have myriad needs for their move. For example, retailers with stock have different needs to offices with large amounts of furniture, or professionals in need of server relocation, or even those with home based businesses looking to move their home and livelihood at the same time. Many moving companies serving the Central Highlands area are actually based in Melbourne or interstate, so they don’t quite understand the unique demands of carrying on operations in western Victoria.
When you book commercial removals with us, you’re guaranteed a fuss-free and friendly service from experienced locals. We’ve got over 20 years of experience in helping people shift from town to town. We don’t do standardised packages – rather, our services are modified to meet the needs of each client.
Here are some examples of how we’d tailor our services to meet the needs of different SMEs:
• Small office (1-10 people):
- Organise valet unpacking so staff could keep working wherever possible
- Move early or late in the day so as not to disrupt operations
- Organise temporary storage while new premises is being prepared
- Pack and transport filing cabinets, servers etc. securely
- Provide packing materials for individuals to pack their personal desk items
• Medium office (10-50 people):
- Move in stages, with less-used equipment being transported first or last
- Schedule loading for off-peak times, so as not to impact site access
- Pack and transport privacy/security-sensitive files
- Arrange custom packing for special business equipment, such as multifunction machines
- Do a walk-through with owners/managers to plan the move to a T
• Retail business
- Pack and label stock carefully, so you can match with your inventory records
- Arrange temporary storage for excess stock and equipment
- Negotiate custom insurance for critical equipment
- Remove and transport shelves, benches and other large items
- Coordinate with shopfitters at your new location to ensure timely delivery
• Hospitality business
- Pack and move commercial cooking equipment, such as planetary mixers
- Clean new site before moving in heavy equipment
- Provide custom packing solutions for hygiene-sensitive items
- Recommend HACCP transport for existing stock
• Secondary production
- Pack, label and transport larger dismantled machinery
- Safely transport potentially hazardous items (conditions apply)
- Deliver items to your storage facility